Steve England
The Cameron Centre
Cameron Walk, Bristol, BS7 9XB
Bristol, England, GB, BS7 9XB
Wander around the woods and grounds of Stoke Park with local conservationist Steve England, to learn how to identify the trees through their leaves, bark and buds and through their different growth stages.
Learn about their uses for fire and crafts, the ancient trees in the woodlands and the life cycle of the tree species around us, and how they play such an important role in nature. We will be looking at special features that make particular trees successful, and hear fascinating facts about these beautiful living woodland structures, whilst strolling the park in the warmest season of the year.
Please wear sturdy footwear and bring a notepad and pen. The walk will last approximately 2 hours on uneven ground. Dress accordingly for the weather. Suitable for 8+, content mainly aimed at adults.